Introduced to Zig Ziglar at a young age, I recall listening to "See You At The Top" recordings on daily trips in the car; I laughed at every joke told, no matter how many times I had heard them.
After finishing college, I knew that I wanted to make an impact -- I just didn't know how. I wandered between jobs that felt insignificant, and struggled to determine my own calling. That clarification came when I sat down to complete my Performance Planner, following the steps I had learned through those old recordings of "See You At The Top." Finding a way to help other individuals realize their potential, and being able to instill hope for their futures captured my heart. Gaining the opportunity to become a Ziglar Youth Certified Trainer made this goal a reality.
Through my own presentations of the Generation Ziglar material in a multitude of settings, I've seen Zig's principals significantly impact a new generation. With the extensive training that I have been provided through the Ziglar Youth Certification Program, I have been well-equipped to merge a passion and calling -- Facilitating youth as they pursue a healthy self-image, thriving relationships, and an understanding of setting goals for their own futures.
Just as Zig's popular quote states "You can have everything in life that you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want", I will strive to pour into our younger generations.
Contact me to work alongside your youth to facilitate these teachings, and to help make their beautiful dreams a reality.