
Victoria Crowsey

Generation Ziglar Certified Youth Trainer

  • 940-736-9663
  • Keynotes, Workshops, Conference Facilitation, High School, Middle School, Faith-based
  • Whitesboro, Texas , United States

Victoria Crowsey

"You are the only person on earth who can use your ability."

"God gives us a spectacular gift everyday; the breath in our lungs, why waste it? -Victoria Crowsey

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25
This verse has shaped my life and helped make me into the young women I am today. My goal in life is to show others, especially young ladies, how to take this scripture and apply it to their lives. I want to motivate young women to become who God made them to be and show them that each and everyone of them have talents and abilities that were handpicked by Him. I want to show the young girls of this generation that they are worth more than they will ever know and that they are all different in their own special way.