How to Increase Vocal Effectiveness (Public Speaking Tips from a Speech-Language Pathologist)

Speech rate, vocal strength, and voice inflection are all aspects to public speaking many people may struggle with when speaking. As a former FFA and 4-H member, these aspects of giving a speech were all things I struggled with, as well. As I have been obtaining my master's degree in speech-language pathology, I was very surprised to find out that many people with voice disorders have trouble with speech rate, vocal strength, and voice inflection.

What should I expect from the journey

1994 was an incredible year with all things considered. The same year that South Africa elects Nelson Mandela as their president, O.J. Simpson flees police custody in a white Ford Bronco. It was also an incredible year for film and movies. We finally got to see what life inside of prison was like with Andy Dufresne in “The Shawshank Redemption,” and we all laughed right before and after we cried during “Forrest Gump.

If you aim at nothing…

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Zig Ziglar

So true, and yet this truth is tragically far too common. A few days ago I wrote about people who wander aimlessly through life – I call them Zombies.

A good Ziglar friend and poet, Cliff Feightner, wrote this quick limerick about Zombies:

"Even though they are moving around
They make a disparaging sound.